Bring Your Brand to Life With Social Media Video Banners
A picture is worth a thousands words, a VIDEO is worth a million!
If you are not using all types of video in your marketing, especially across social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram you are behind the eight ball when it comes to getting true exposure for your brand!
The solid fact is, VIDEO SELLS. Moving pictures that represent your brand in a professional, alluring and positive manner is the most effective way to reach a massive audience online. ALL successful brands use video to tell their company or brand story these days. But there is one VITAL condition required to make video successful!
Professionalism. The truth is just as great video sells, BAD VIDEO can make your business look cheap and amateur! As the saying goes, if you are going to do it, do it right! You are better to pay a professional to produce quality video content across all your platforms, than opt for some cheap and nasty online APP or tool that produces very beige, cookie cutter video that just looks horrible.
Think Quality. Quality is everything in life, especially when it comes to video production. Sure anyone can shoot a video on their phone these days, but it usually comes out as a shaky, poorly produced end product, because thats what it is. A phone is a phone, it is not a quality video camera, nor does it have the high end editing software required to produce quality video!
Things to think about! When looking to get video produced for your brand you need to ask the right questions. Can you provide the video in a variety of frame sizes to use across all the social media platforms? Can you provide it in array of resolutions? Can you create animated GIFs to embed into websites and emails?
What about Social Media Banners? Rather than using a still banner image for your Facebook Business page, why not use a video banner! There is a trick to getting these banners to look perfect, for one they have to be made in the correct dimensions. Brandart can create a FB Business Banner to suit your company that will meet those requirements and make your business stand out from the crowd. In general the video banners for FB can be up to 90 seconds long!
Wouldn’t you rather have 90 seconds of video than one single still image? Of course, it makes sense to take advantage of these platforms to make your company / brand stand out from the crowd.
Using video to market your brand is the best way to add professionalism
Example Social Media Video Banner
This is an example of a Facebook Video Banner we created for an event. This is just a short animated GIF of the full version which was 90 seconds long. But it shows how much impact moving pictures (Video) has over a still image. We can also take the full version and create shorter GIF banners like this one that can be embedded on your website pages to use as banner adverts.
Example Instagram Banner 1:1
We can also create banners in all sizes and aspect ratios. Below is an example animated GIF of one of the 1:1 square aspect ratio videos we created for Instagram. This can also be broken up into shorter 6 second GIF banners and embedded into website pages for much greater visual effect.
Bring Your Still Images to Life
Convert still images to video! We can even take a still image of your product or service and bring it to life by converting it into a short video file or animated GIF! There is really no limit to what can be achieved, if you throw us a few ideas we can create something that will really make your brand come to life and stand out from the crowd!
The example below shows how we took a still image and added movement to the sky, clouds and the models red fabric prop! Once again, there is no limit to bringing still images to life! Just takes a little imagination and creativity.
Brandart has over 25 years experience in design, creating first class branding, logo design for companies across the globe.
Feel free to touch base for a no obligation free quote on your company logo design and branding.